lives like never before. Not just when it was necessary {birthdays, holidays, special events} but in the
middle of the week when it was for no other reason but, "just because". Today was one of those days.
Last week was a big week for us as you can read about here and here. So, this week should be a bit more
relaxed, RIGHT?? Well, not so much. See....we have the boys birthday party this weekend. And,
although I don't go over the top there is SO much that has to be done. {i.e. cake, their shirts {yes, if
you didn't already know...I sew} and making sure I am aware of who all is coming. On top of all that
I am still a mom, a wife, a photographer, a designer and a homemaker.....I could keep GOING.
So, I took 15 minutes today to let the boys be silly in the bathroom sink. Making silly faces. They had
a ball. And, although these images will win no prize in the technical world or whatever of photography
they win TOP prize in my heart.
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” {SO TRUE}

Love the silly faces! So CUTE!!!!