Wednesday, June 2, 2010

imma be on vacation....!!!

So, I knew when I looked at my March through end of May calendar that I must have lost my mind, well
I didn't THINK that until this past week.  But, the good thing about being so crazy busy makes where
I am about to go even more special!

YES!!  I am going on vacation.  And, not just ANY vacation.  My husband {T Rose}& I are celebrating
5 amazing years of marriage on June 11th.  When we got married we moved straight to Dallas so no
honeymoon.  The following year we had Tyler, the next year we moved back to Nashville and then
the following year we had our second son, Colton.  So, it's time.  It's time to fall in love all over again.
It's time to relax, re-focus and re-energize!  So, I am signing off!!

I will be back checking emails June 13th!  I am actually back to work on that day...yeah, I know.  But, it's
a maternity shoot and you know how I feel about my momma's to be! :)

So, if it's your first time to my blog .WELCOME.  Please take a look around.  Make sweet comments
if you feel up to it...I love comments!  If you are a dedicated Sara Rose blog glad you decided
to stop by even though you knew I was out!

Till I see y'all again!!  Off to Hawaii I GO!!

Mucho Love!!  SR

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{sweet love notes}