was at the White home photographing him when he was a newborn!! So, this is the 4th time in 1 year I
have visited this precious family. Remember big brother Andrew...who I photographed at 8 months, 1 year
and then some when I was there for William's newborn...yeah, he still LOVES me! I get to make a special
trip back to this family in June to photograph his 18 month photos so you will see more of that punkin
But, anyway...let's get to William. I can relate to sweet mom Jess. See, my boys are 14.5 months apart...
so I share the joys and the pains of having kiddos that close. Mostly joys, but let's face it...IT'S HARD.
Especially when big bro is just becoming a little more independent and wants to know who this fella is
that has entered into their lives and taking mom's attention away. I mean, really.....Andrew is still a YOUNG
tot, so it's hard to understand. But, he is doing just fine and so is baby brother William. Both have blue
eyes that could melt your heart, blonde hair {that sometimes looks red} and both have their momma's
heart like no other.
Anyway, this family...like I said in the last post that was about them...they are like family to me now.
Goodness...I see them more than some of my own family!! So blessed to be a part of these boys lives and
to watch them grow into toddlers, then young boys and eventually young men. I love you little guys. So
so very much. And, thankful for your mom in every way!

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