session" with me before she had her second child. So, when she told me she was already 36 weeks I
said.......LET'S get you booked this weekend!! Goodness...just in case.
Anyway, we decided to do the session at her home. And, I am so glad we did. What a great back drop
right in the comfort of her very own back yard!! She also expressed the importance of having her almost
2 year old daughter Cora in some of the images. I couldn't of agreed with her more!
We had such a great time...even in the quick 30 minutes capturing some wonderful moments. Cora is a
DOLL baby and mom to be {at 36 weeks!!!} is glowing. Everything about her was just beautiful.
Anne -- Wishing you all the best with the remainder of your pregnancy. New baby girl is lucky to have
you as a mom and adorable Cora as a big sister! Sure hope to meet her and see all of you again one
day very soon!

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