for family photos that's for sure!!
Meet the sweet Couey Family!! Amy and I go waaaaaaayyyyy back. Think Central Middle School....
cheerleading, sleep overs, rolling people's yards...I could GO ON and ON! She went to Oakland and
I went to Riverdale so we didn't see each other as much once we got to High School. So, I am so glad
that this job of mine & of course, facebook has gotten us reconnected. I always say that I love to see
friends lives evolve. You know...we were once crazy teenagers without a care in the world, but now we
have precious kiddos and husbands we adore! So glad I can be apart of capturing those blessed additions
to our lives.
Anyway, enough about the PAST. Let's talk present. Meet 3 year old Eli. A-dorable blue eyed Prince.
He is just the sweetest little fella and definitely adores his mommy, but wants to be just like daddy! Then
there is beautiful 1 year old Claire. I see so much of her mommy in her. And, then mom & dad. I love
when parents just let loose and have fun. You know the kiddos are so very important, but it's also
extremely important {as a photographer} to capture the love between a husband and a wife. I try
to make an effort each time I have a session to take some time out for just mom & dad. Because,
let's face it...if I didn't do it...who would? :)
Loved this session. Adore this family. Sure hope I get to see them again SOON!

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