And, the even better part of it all is finding that life has been good to them and they have been blessed with
such amazing families. So, that leads me to the Wright Family & East Family.
Meet Hayden {5}, Noah {3}, Sarah Kate {1} & Harper {newborn}! This was a mini session, so
30 minutes gave me just a little bit of time with each one, but it was good times none the less.
So fun seeing each personality shine ...Sweet moments when sisters {jill & jenny aka the moms}
were with their daughters. First daughter for Jill. First child for Jenny. So very sweet. It was an
important task to get a photo of all of the kiddos together for their grandma. And, although each one
is looking in a different direction I do believe it is one of the sweetest photos yet.
Wright & East was so wonderful to spend time with each one of you! I sure hope I get to see
all of you again very soon!

Thanks Sara we can't tell you enough how much we LOVE our pictures!!! Jill