Wednesday, March 3, 2010

bubba made me do it

Oh, the joys of having boys...and the joys of having 1 who is 3 years old and the other 2 years old.
I am not joking...there are A LOT of joys, but let's get real people...there are a lot of ..well, {moments}
too.  And, I am sure not the first to say that age 2 is a whole lot harder than 3...well, so far for me

So, meet my just turned 2 year old wild man, will pay me back for any wrong I did, will
break sweet girls hearts with those baby blues, likes to blame "BUBBA" for everything sweet boy.

Yes, I captured his "but, I don't know momma...bubba did it" look.  Priceless, sweet, gets me
everytime LOOK.  {shame on me}

a look for the books.

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{sweet love notes}