Monday, February 22, 2010

party of 5 {almost} middle tennessee maternity photographer

Okay, so I always start with how I know people.....well, Emily & I went to High School together, even
graduated the same year!  We, however, didn't really {know} one another really well.  I have found
as I get older and I run into people from the past that I didn't know very well that I often wish I WOULD
have known them better.  Emily is no exception.  However, I do believe that people come in and out
of our lives for a reason.  And, now that we meet again...I believe, we were meant to {meet again} and
in this life.  Not 10+ years ago.  Make sense?

So, I 110% enjoyed getting to know her again and meeting her precious family.  Goodness, these kiddos
are darling.  And, have some of the cutest personalities I have ever come across.  Abby and William are
going to be fabulous older siblings to their soon to be baby brother.

I am so glad Emily trusted me and just went with it.  Hubby Brent was a trooper.  Taking mirrors down,
moving chairs, being the shade against the sun...I could go on!  Such a wonderful session and I am so
thrilled with how the images turned out.  And, even more excited that Emily LOVED the photos.

I want all moms to be to see just how beautiful they truly are when expecting.  It is such a wonderful
blessing and their beauty needs to be embraced!!

See you guys soon when lil prince arrives!!

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{sweet love notes}